Today, Wednesday 31st May, is the Feast of the Visitation, the Day of Life.
Pope John Paul II once said that every human life is “unique and unrepeatable”. What unique and significant action can I do to help promote and protect the rights of the unborn child?
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act in the UK. Since then, 9 million unborn children have been killed and countless mothers and fathers hurt by abortion too.
The World Health Organisation, an agency of the UN, has stated that abortion is the leading cause of death worldwide, ending the lives of 40 million children each year.
As Catholics and Christians we must raise the awareness about the meaning and value of every human life, at every stage and every condition.
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!
St Elizabeth, pray for us!
St John the Baptist, pray for us!
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer!
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