Fr Joe has written this short reflection on today’s First Reading.
We arrive at the end of the short Prophetic Book of Amos. It very much is in contrast to the rebukes that Amos had shared with the people of Israel about their present behaviour and the punishments which would arise from their sinful ways.
It speaks about restoration and the salvation of the righteous. God is indeed merciful, full of compassion and forgiveness. The people of Israel will return after the exile and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.
Spiritual roads are as objective as the physical roads we travel on. You cannot find blessing and graces through sin and without God at the centre of our lives any more than travelling North from Scotland to reach London. We only become holy by being close to God who is all holy and by having the virtues that make God holy.
We are not called just to be good. We are called to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. Perfect means to be complete. We are incomplete without God and we are incomplete when we do not heed His way, His truth and His life. It took Israel a while to recognise this and sometimes we can be the same. Obedience to God brings life and blessing, the people of Israel were promised and disobedience brings death and curse. God does never abandon us but we might abandon Him but He eagerly awaits the return of His beloved sons and daughters.
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