St John the Baptist discusses with his own disciples the difference between himself and Jesus

St John 3:31-36

St John the Baptist discusses with his own disciples the difference between himself and Jesus and their ministries. The origin of Jesus is divine, from above and John from below, earthly. St John the Baptist recognises that although his ministry is significant, it must now give way to the saving mission of Jesus and is content to fade into the background as his prophetic purpose has concluded.

St John the Baptist then makes it very clear to his own disciples that to accept Jesus’s testimony is to attest to the fact that God the Father sent his Son Jesus who is the visible expression of the invisible life of the Trinity.

St John the Baptist concludes that anyone who will believe in Jesus will share in the eternal life, of which he is the carrier. This belief is exercised when we surrender and trust in God with the assent of our minds and the consent of our wills. By emptying ourselves, we allow Jesus to fill us and imprint himself upon us.

As faith and faithfulness are understood to be, so to speak, two sides of the one coin, the opposite of faith is not just unbelief but disobedience and disobedience leads us on the path to death and not true life.

“See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity.”  (Deut 30:15) Obedience to God leads to blessing and life, while disobedience leads to disaster and death.


Rosary: Marian Movement of Priests

The rosary is the weapon that I give to these children of mine to fight the  great approaching battles which await them” No (34 l)

“ By it your rosary you are able to lay bare the plots of my adversary; you escape from many of his deceits; you defend yourselves from many dangers which he puts in your way, it preserves you from evil and brings you ever closer to me”(184 j)

“With this prayer, you are able to obtain from the Lord the great grace of a change of hearts, of the conversion of souls, and of the return of all humanity to God” (336 n)

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