Read a reflection on today’s Gospel, John 21:1-14, below.
One of the recurring themes of the Resurrection Gospel stories is the slowness to recognise the Risen Jesus. Although the apostles and disciples have already encountered Jesus, surely from a human point of view, it was an enormous experience to process and to come to grips, with this profound truth.
The coming of the Holy Spirit will bring that process to an end, as he will disclose the full meaning of the Gospel. The Holy Spirit will guide them and counteract human error and doubt and the work of satan, who sows confusion, uncertainty, deception and falsehood.
The Holy Spirit will enable the apostles to continue the teaching ministry of Jesus to bear witness to the truth of his Resurrection. The Holy Spirit will give the apostles a sharing in the divine life and in the authority of Jesus and thus make their witnessinfinitely more absolute.
The guidance of the Holy Spirit in all of our lives, is Jesus’s guarantee that his commandments, his word, his gospel will not be corrupted, distorted or misrepresented. So as we begin each new day we should call on the Holy Spirit to help us will whatever he wills and in the way he wills it and for as long as he wills it.
“I would like to ask you a question: how many of you pray to the Holy Spirit every day? Probably few, but we must satisfy this desire of Jesus and pray every day to the Holy Spirit, so that he opens our heart towards Jesus.”
– Pope Francis
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