What Will You Give Up and Take Up this Lent?

We fast and take things up during Lent to come closer to Christ.

If you have fasted from a young age, you will probably always think about fasting from things like fizzy drinks, chocolate and sugar in your tea. If fasting from these things brings you closer to Christ this Lent, great! However, if there are other things in your life that keep you from union with the Lord, perhaps you could fast from these things in preparation for Easter…

For example, do you spend a lot of time watching television or scrolling on your Facebook News Feed? What if you dedicated some of that time to prayer or spiritual reading?

Do you regularly sin by taking drugs, excessive use of alcohol or watching pornography? By doing so, you make it difficult to receive God’s mercy. Lent is a wonderful time to bring your sins to Confession and to promise to try to turn away from a former life and focus on the Risen Lord.

Instead of fasting, why don’t you choose to do something extra this Lent? There are lots of things you could do to bring you closer to the Lord ahead of Easter.

For example, you could give some of your time each week to help in your parish or a local group, or you could try to fill one of SCIAF’s ‘Wee Boxes’ with money before Easter.

Promising to pray more during Lent is important. Try to pray a daily rosary, offering up each decade for a special intention, or go to an extra Mass every week. Maybe you could spend some time each day or week in front of the Blessed Sacrament, or get to know the Lord better by praying with the Scriptures.

There are hundreds of things that you could give up or take up this Lent. How will you get closer to Jesus?



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