Read the letter from SPUC Scotland sent to all parishes…
A growing number of organisations is working together to propose the most radical abortion policy. The ultimate aim of the campaign is to permit abortion to birth for any reason. The view is completely at odds with public opinion; a recent opinion poll showed 99% of people were opposed to this idea and in fact 70% of women want the abortion time-limit reduced.
However, this is not deterring the pro-abortion groups who have key people in professional organisations such as the Royal College of Midwives and the British Medical Association which has just voted to support the decriminalisation of abortion. This will have great influence on politicians and wider society.
Politically they have already tested the water with a bill at Westminster to decriminalise abortion to 24 weeks. At present abortion is a criminal offence but it can be carried out under exceptions to the law. The attempt to decriminalise was taken by Diana Johnson and her bill succeeded at stage 1 but fortunately ran out of parliamentary time due to the General Election.
That bill will come forward again and in Scotland similar groups are orchestrating attempts to build momentum for decriminalisation in Scotland.
That is why we need to mobilise people at grassroots level to ensure their voice cannot be ignored. We are launching a petition to harness the public distaste for decriminalisation. I will be most grateful if you can make the petition available in your parish and return completed forms. Please feel free to copy further sheets if necessary or contact me for more copies.
If possible please include news of the petition in your bulletin.
With every best wish,
John Deighan
Chief Executive Officer
SPUC Scotland
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