Parish Mission

The St Patrick’s Community will be giving a Mission in our Parish from Monday 14th November to Friday 18th November, and you are invited…

Come along each evening for the main mission event at 7pm. There will be Mass every morning at 10am (with the exception of Friday, when Mass is the main mission event at 7pm). Each day has a different theme, with talks from the group, prayer, music and a lot more. Bring your friends and families.

Monday 14th November

  • God’s Love: The Amazing Story of Ex-Gangster, John Pridmore

Tuesday 15th November

  • God’s Mercy: A Chance to Meet Jesus Personally

Wednesday 16th November

  • God’s Healing: Healing Service (miracles abound)

Thursday 17th November

  • God’s Gift of Mary: The Love of Mary For Us

Friday 18th November

  • Mass of the Holy Spirit: The Most Powerful Prayer of the Church


St. Patrick’s Community, based in County Leitrim, are a lay community of the faithful focused on promoting the Gospel in parishes and schools throughout Ireland and the U.K. in the hope to lead people closer to Christ. They lead parish missions, give school talks and run healing retreats, which teach about the love and mercy of God and how relevant it is in each of our lives.

All are welcome.

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